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Writer's pictureMajal / @UniquelyUrs.R.A

2022 is a 6th year


THE 6 YEAR is a time to re-invent yourself -a journey of responsibility, relationship, balance, love, and healing.

A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm. ~Henrik Ibsen

Our most basic instinct is survival. But when we, our loved ones, or our beliefs are threatened, we can take some amazingly extreme protective measures. However, we often fail to realize that the extremes we run to can turn out to be more dangerous than the original threat. There are now three powerful lanes of energy open to you. On the left and right, there are the unstable fringes of opposite extremes. The center lane is balance, and this is where you need to focus. Welcome to the 6 Year cycle in which you will feel a growing sense of duty and priority.

Accept that you do have responsibilities, but don’t assume you already know what they are. As the year proceeds, you will realize that at least one responsibility is no longer yours, or was never yours to begin with. Overlooked responsibilities may now require attention. Your primary obligation is to yourself, or you will be in no position to take care of others.

In the 6 Year, you will want to become more self-reliant and secure, and to establish your ‘place’ in the world. You may also have to focus on the needs of someone else, and find a way to balance their circumstances with your own. Adjustments and sacrifices may have to be made. In most cases, the best way to help others is by letting them be responsible for themselves. Other cases will require an unusual level of patience, compassion, and understanding. You may also have to reconsider ideas and beliefs that are no longer appropriate to these times or to your unique situation. There is no need to enslave yourself to the needs of others if you are responding with love. But if your responses come from guilt or the fear that guilt produces, you could be in for a bumpy ride.

The 6 Year emphasizes love and matters of the heart including marriage, family, children, parents, close friends, duty, the home, healing, education, security, peace, and creativity. Both the pleasures and the problems of your personal life will predominate. When love is your motivation, almost anything can be achieved. First, however, it may be necessary to learn the difference between love and control. Love and guilt. Love and fear. Love and attraction. Love and hate.

Love cannot be bought, sold, manipulated, or controlled in any way. Failure to understand this has produced the mistaken belief that love hurts. Love can never hurt. It is only the loss of love that hurts. And it is our great fear of losing love that causes us to hold on to it too tightly. And then, love itself gets hurt. However, blame and anger may have to be expressed in order for you to realize that forgiveness is necessary.

By letting people be who they really are, any manipulative instincts will start to feel out of place, and your emotions will flow openly and lovingly. Others will feel at ease in your presence. This will create genuine unity…. and all because you are starting to love and appreciate yourself more! And so you should! You are a very different person to the one you were just a couple of years ago. You have grown. You have evolved. And it’s about time you reflected more of the ‘new’ you.

Do not make promises you cannot keep, and do not take on responsibilities that are not yours. If you do, resentment and frustration are sure to follow. Accept that certain demands on your emotions, time, and resources will be made this year. Accept that you now have it in your power to heal yourself, and that you are also able to help with the healing of others. Yes, health and healing are major factors of the 6 Year. It is often in the 6 Year that symptoms arise so that you can get to the root of what has caused them. The cause is almost always unexpressed emotions that are imprisoned within your body and need to be released.

Although you will have problems of your own, you may also feel like everyone else’s counselor or problem solver. The 6 energy is so magnetic – so rich in feelings – that it can attract people to you, even strangers, who sense that you may be able to help them. But, you must not encourage anyone to become unnecessarily dependent on you or let your need to volunteer interfere with your real priorities. Know when to say NO.

In the 6 Year, new responsibilities almost always arise. New possibilities appear. New places are discovered. New homes are often sought or bought, as people seek their right place in the world – a place in which a strong sense of belonging can be enjoyed. Home-based businesses are conceived, started or expanded. Additional responsibilities arise in the work place. Relationships and circumstances can be seen for what they really are, if you take the time to look and feel deeply enough into them. This is a time in which marriages and partnerships are formed or reformed. Babies and new creative ventures are born. Long lost relatives and friends pop up from nowhere. Unhappy relationships or associations are healed – or ended.

Emotions run high and low, hot and cold. Justice is sought and judgments are made. Your very concept of justice may change as you realize that justice for one often means deprivation for another, and that real justice takes place on a much higher plane than most people are yet capable of understanding.

Wherever there is blame toward yourself or someone else there is also hatred. Therefore, past judgments must be reexamined and the feelings involved must be expressed outwardly. The space being taken up in your body by hate is space that could otherwise be occupied by love. Eventually, hate will eat away at your body and erupt as either disease or rage. This is a time to accept, understand, forgive, and heal – which cannot happen if the emotion of hatred is being ‘held’ in denial.

Hate cannot leave the Earth if its very existence within each and every one of us is denied. Our intent can be so loving that it is difficult to even consider that we may be holding hatred inside. We all are. And the sooner we admit it, and seek to heal it at its cause, the sooner love can free itself of conditions and rules.

In the 6 Year, you want to be seen as reliable and dependable, and it can be comforting to know that you are approved of and ‘belong’ in a certain circle. But you must stop judging yourself and others by what society or authority deems ‘acceptable’. There is no one on Earth who is sufficiently educated or trustworthy to determine your truth for you, or to dictate the direction of your life. Seek no one’s approval but your own, and follow your own feelings to determine the truth. This is Free Will. This is responsibility.

The 6 Year represents education – especially the kind that involves the personal pursuit and discovery of truth over assumption. We all have much to learn about life, and most of it will be learned far from any classroom, teacher, politician, guru, or preacher. Don’t assume that you or any one else has all the answers. There is an extreme energy at work when we insist that we are right all the time, or when we assume we are wrong and need others to tell us what’s right.

The 6 Year gives you the power of magnetism. You will attract whatever you focus on far more easily this year. Of course, this can have its drawbacks. Focus on danger, and you’ll end up in dangerous situations. Focus on nickels and dimes, and that’s all you’ll have. Focus on other people’s shortcomings and you’ll be surrounded by negative behavior. Look for problems and you’ll find them. Try to focus on the good in others. Replace outdated beliefs with more realistic understandings of life’s precious diversity. Seek peaceful solutions to all problems, and allow others to live their lives without your constant input and judgment.

If you are struggling with an obligation reluctantly, resentfully or fearfully, you are probably doing it for the wrong reason. Responsibility too often implies something for which you have no choice; something that takes away from your freedom; something that is little appreciated, or something that’s been forced upon you. Love cannot force. Guilt can – and does!

If a responsibility is not of your will then the chances are that it is not yours. Careful thought should be given to your motivation for taking it on. This year’s circumstances offer the liberty to take care of your real responsibilities lovingly and naturally. The balanced energy of 6 renovates, restores, and heals.

You are on a journey of power and priority. It is a journey of learning the truth of how you feel about your various relationships. It is a journey of healing the gaps between generations, genders, judgments, and individuals. It is the journey of peace. It is the journey of love.

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