To All of You who have been laughed at, abused on social media and called insane for years but who still stand up for what you believe in and try to get the truth out to the public. You have lost friends and family, you have been ridiculed, and yet you still speak your truth.
For all the hippys, lightworkers, lightwarriors, starseeds, wayshowers and conspiracy theorists who have always felt alienated and different but never stopped being that person who tries to offer a different perspective to things. You learned about Energy Healing, Crystals, Meditation, Mother Gaia and Ascension while those around you laughed. You were different and weird and never were one for conforming.
The ones who woke up and realised what was truly going on in the world and had to have their hearts shattered into a million pieces while everyone in their life simply thought they were losing their minds. You had to face all that alone and it broke your heart, but you did it and you faced that DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL like a King and Queen!!!
For those Old Souls who try every single day to help humanity, who feel isolated and different and who have lost many friends and family members in the process of waking up. The ones who don’t go out any more, the ones who research until days have passed by, the ones who stood up and dared say what nobody else would. The ones who have dedicated their life to this Ascension Process and Humanity’s Liberation...
I take my Hat off to Each and Every one of You. This process is the hardest thing anyone will ever have to do and you had to do it first! Every single day more and more people are waking up. I know it’s hard and you’re feeling exhausted and sometimes drained by the negative response you’re getting, but stay strong because this battle will soon be over and soon the World will know WHAT WE DO AND WHY WE DID IT...
Where We Go One, We Go All. This time will be spoken about in history and your efforts to awaken and heal humanity will effect not only our existence on Planet Earth but it will effect everything throughout The Universe.
This is a Galactic Event and you have chosen this assignment before you incarnated into this Timeline on Earth. You chose to be here right now to make a difference in the world.
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