So much healing and high frequency downloads have been coming in during dream state these last few days. You might experience vivid dreams including many people & places from your past- strong colors and emotions, uneasy sleep, waking up throughout the night, waking up tired and feeling like you need to sleep for longer periods of time currently. Some might nap, others might feel too “energized” internally to do so while still feeling physically worn out. You might find yourself in a state in-between sleep and wakefulness and consciously catch some phrases, feelings, references to people and experiences- these are the tell-tale hints of what you’re currently healing and up-leveling in. It might feel like you’re being “taught lessons” while asleep and that feeling would be absolutely correct- so much is happening while we sleep, the body is going through intense recalibration and healing as it’s in a state of rest. Everything is being done under the supervision and assistance of our guides and Light Team at all times- oftentimes the sleep state is the best time for us to undergo these processes. We are receiving numerous downloads and DNA upgrades which might take a longer period to be “unpacked” and integrated by our physical vessels and Lower minds. Your body might be a bit wobbly, some dizziness and momentary vertigo, clumsiness and zoning out at times are quite common as we experience this. You might feel like being alone more, needing time and space to do your thing, rest, engage in activities you’re being intuitively drawn to, not speak and simply be in peace and silence. As you do this, you might experience more and more A-ha moments and increased awareness might strike like Lightning, the Heart’s whispers become clearer and louder, allowing us to connect and consciously realize our truth. The more we step into the latter, the lighter and more empowered we feel. However with every Heart opening, we might also have to face some uncomfortable emotions, flashbacks of painful memories and experiences might appear asking us to simply feel what we need to feel: to let it simply run through the body and thus be cleared and released from our fields. Don’t be scared of this process- the old pain might look very real to your mind at the moment but worry not. In other words- do not attach, create or make generalizations or assumptions based on what you’re currently clearing. For example you might have been bullied at school and now as the trauma is being brought to the surface for release, you start experiencing painful feelings such as shame, humiliation, not fitting in, not belonging, being “different”, “ugly”, “weird” or whatever imprint the trauma has left on you. While you’re clearing, do not base your reality on any of these feelings, don’t believe that just because you’re suddenly re-experiencing these feelings that this is what you are at this moment. Just let it all flow through, allow the emotions be, find your breath, get into your Heart and release from there. As you do this healing, forgiveness for your past Self and others comes in naturally. Embrace that past Self that has been hurt, listen to it with compassion and empathy, give it love, appreciation and thanks. Only through full acceptance and forgiveness of all past versions of us and others can we truly let go of the old and move towards the new having made space for new opportunities, people and experiences to come in.
We’re still in Mercury Retrograde with just a few days left. This Eclipse season is now behind us having triggered vital purges and powerful momentum for the next 6 months. The Saturn/Uranus square is still highly active, asking us to be brave, flexible and willing to give up comfort, control and the rigidness of all known, for growth, transcendence and abundance beyond what we’ve been able to imagine. The Shumann graph has just come back online featuring strong peaks after an unseen 4 day blackout. Remember we all experience these energies differently- stay in your lane, do your work and follow your guidance. Your Higher Self and your guides know perfectly what path you’re on and why- all the answers you need will be given exactly when it’s time. As we’re approaching Summer Solstice, many of us are guided to hermit, contemplate, nurture and take care of ourselves.