The new Cancer moon of July 9th is at the threshold of a new awakening. We’re coming out of some pretty rocky astrological weather and this potent new lunar cycle can help you envision your future, reboot your heart and make a fresh start. Falling in the area of the sky called Punarvasu, “the return of the light,” this new moon is a much-needed dose of renewal. Punarvasu supports self-improvement, creative insight, and can help you see your problems in a new light. If you’re ready to break a habit, improve your life, or expand your creative impact on the world, take stock of what you need to move forward now. With a positive aspect from expansive Jupiter, this new moon is energizing growth for weeks to come. This is a time to tune into Mother Nature as the divine mother of creation that nourishes and renews all life. How could you better protect and nurture yourself, family, and community now?