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Writer's pictureMajal / @UniquelyUrs.R.A

Chiron Retrograde

Updated: Jul 22, 2021

Chiron Retrograde July-December 2021

Chiron enters retrograde on July 15, 2021, joining Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto. All of these cosmic bodies retrograde annually, so this energy is part of the natural rhythm we experience each year.

Chiron adding to the retrograde mix however, brings a new dynamic to work with and shifts its energy to the forefront. This is especially true the day Chiron goes Retrograde, and the day it stations direct, which occurs on December 19.

The day a planet goes retrograde and then direct again are the power days to watch, and a time where we can work with its energetic expression with greater ease.

Chiron is not technically a planet but an asteroid that orbits between Saturn and Uranus. Even though Chiron is not a planet, in astrology, it is still a significant cosmic energy to work with.

Chiron is a centaur, and the myth goes that Chiron was abandoned at birth and left to fend for itself. It was through this wound of abandonment and difficult upbringing that it was able to rise up and turn its wounds into powerful portals of healing.

It was Chiron’s wounds that paved the way for its role as a powerful healer, teacher, psychic, and philosopher. This is why Chiron is referred to as the wounded healer.

We all possess the same powers as Chiron. Inside each and every one of us, we have the ability to take our wounds and pain points and turn them into a source of power.

As the poet Rumi says- the wound is where the light enters you.

The position of Chiron between Saturn and Uranus is also significant to understanding the energy it brings.

Saturn is a very grounded, rooted energy, whereas Uranus is considered a planet of a higher vibration. Uranus’ energy can also bring about awakenings and the rise of kundalini energy.

Chiron can act as a bridge between these two states of being and is sometimes referred to as the Rainbow Bridge.

The Rainbow bridge signifies the linking between one state of consciousness and the next, and this idea is further amplified if we look to Egyptian Astrology.

In ancient Egyptian astrology, Chiron goes by another name- Anpu or Anubis, the god of the afterlife and lost souls.

A lot of the myths and legends that are used in Western Astrology can be traced back to Egyptian and Babylonian astrology, and Anubis can be seen as Chiron’s counterpart.

Just like Chiron, Anubis was abandoned as a child. It was through this painful upbringing that Anubis was also able to rise up into the noble profession of the Guardian of the Underworld.

It was the job of Anubis to welcome the newly dead to the underworld and to guide them as they transition to the afterlife.

It takes a special soul to be given such a position, and no doubt, it was Anubis’ own pain and suffering that allowed it to develop the compassion, discernment, and loyalty to walk souls through such a journey.

As Chiron or Anubis travels retrograde, we are able to go within to our own wounds and reflect on how we can use them as a source of power and healing.

This energy is not about obtaining a state of perfection through healing, rather it is about bringing acknowledgment and acceptance to our wounds in a way that allows us to access the wisdom they can bring.

Chiron doesn’t want us to heal because it will make us “better”. It wants us to learn how to source these wounds as powerful portals of wisdom, knowledge, and power. By extracting this information, we can step into a greater and fuller potential.

This level of healing work is about transcendence, rather than trying to “fix” ourselves in order to be worthy. We are already worthy, regardless of the wounds that live within.

This energy is especially amplified seeing as Chiron is currently in the sign of Aries, the headstrong ram.

With Chiron in Aries, we are even more supported to find the strength, confidence, and courage that can arise when we come face to face with our wounds and look at them not as pain points but as points of potential.

Chiron in Aries reminds us that it is far more beneficial to allow our wounds to inspire, motivate, and offer strength, rather than to think of them as something that slows us down or makes us inferior in any way.

Wounds are painful, and some wounds cut so deep that they never truly leave us, but this is ok. We don’t have to be a neatly wrapped package in order to lead the best life possible.

We can use this retrograde energy not to sugar-coat our wounds, but to recognize that just like Chiron and Anubis, our suffering very often can lead us to the path of our destiny.

Use this retrograde energy to reflect on what your wounds have taught you. Sit with your wounds and get to know them.

See if you can release any judgments and just sit with any pain they bring up. As you get comfortable with this, see if you can reflect on what these wounds have taught you, how they have shaped you, and what wisdom they may have for you.

Open to the wisdom and potential that your wounds have to offer.

Chiron Retrograde 2021 Exercises

1.) What pains me the most right now? What are 10 things this pain is has taught me?

2.) Think of a painful wound from your past. How has this wound inspired you? How can it continue to inspire you moving forward?

3.) Journal Prompts:

If my pain could talk, it would want me to know…

When I think of my hardships, I am grateful that…

I am stronger today because…

4.) Try a Cosmic Healing Guided Meditation, which guides you to activate the healing power of your hands and body.

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Forever Conscious

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