How are you feeling? The solstice energy is really powerful. Problably the most powerful energy influx in 2021. Our systems are being upgraded, the light body is receiving more energy and it is merging with the physical body which is why you might feel tingles inside your body, right under your skin, or experience itchy skin or cold shivers down your spine. We are receiving new light codes from the Central Sun and clearing out the old. This might cause a lot of triggering or tower moments for some that are on the verge of a major breakthrough. The solstice is another step forward and upward. The energy shifted and we are entering a new cycle. It feels calm, peaceful and even blissful within, but our bodies are really tired. You could experience headaches, pressure (head, eyes, sinuses, nose, throat, third eye, jaw...), pain, tiredness, the void like feeling of not being connected to anything or anyone, vertigo, nausea, insomnia, ear ringing, not be able to eat. The old coming up to the surface from the depths to be seen, experienced, recognized, and we are not afraid of it anymore. We can see it, understand its meaning and connection to it all. We are becoming aware and awake. We can finally "see" and understand it all. If you are not there yet, there is nothing wrong with you. You are not doing anything wrong, you are exactly where you need to be. All you need to do is to listen to your heart and soul and do what feels right, not what other people expect from you. We are all connected but we are also going through our individual ascension cycles and you cannot compare yourself with others.
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