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Writer's pictureMajal / @UniquelyUrs.R.A

Feeling a little edgy today?

That may be the case for the next few days. We have so much energetic activity right now and with most of the personal planets changing signs this week the grid is supercharged right now.

And remember we're also coming off of several weeks of high solar activity, the bouncing Schumann resonance, and a powerful full moon that activated the Alpha Omega Freedom Portal from July 23 to August 22.

No time to sit back and relax, it's action time so set intentions, clear out what you feel is ready to go and make choices about what comes up. You can continue to live with the past or be fully in the present. That choice is coming up too.

3D is based on karma

5D is based on creative intention

No pressure to make a choice now but you may find yourself considering multiple options moving forward now, including letting go of karmic obligations and commitments that you could not release before.

Surrender to the process, trust in the process and that you know what you are doing. Use your intuition to guide you to the best and most joyful choices.

Shine on, it's no fun sitting in the dark.

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