2022 starts mid-Venus retrograde. The planet of love and money will be winding down its backspin that began on December 19, 2021, on Jan. 29 in Capricorn. The first Venus Star Point of 2022 occurs mid-Venus retrograde on Jan. 8 in Capricorn. The second one occurs on Oct. 22 in Libra. This is an energetically potent time for manifesting love and money when the Sun, Earth and Venus unite in the sky.Mercury will be retrograde four times in 2022: Jan. 14 to Feb. 3 in Aquarius and Capricorn, May 10 to June 3 in Gemini and Taurus, Sept. 9 to Oct. 2 in Libra and Virgo and Dec. 29 to Jan. 18, 2023 in Capricorn.The North Node of Destiny moves into the lovely sign Taurus on Jan. 18. The South Node will be in Scorpio. This means that it’s time to prioritize self-care, love, money, confidence, and pleasure — as well as building a strong foundation. The eclipses of 2022 will occur on April 30 (solar eclipse in Taurus), May 16 (lunar eclipse in Scorpio), Oct. 25 (solar eclipse in Scorpio) and Nov. 8 (lunar eclipse in Taurus). Venus and Mars connect two times in 2022: Feb. 12 on Capricorn and March 12 in Aquarius. These are important times for taking action (Mars) around love (Venus). Action planet Mars will be moonwalking from Oct. 30 and lasts until Jan. 12, 2023, in Gemini. Words can hurt, which is why we’ll have to choose kindness.Big-hearted Jupiter and tender Neptune link up in Pisces on April 12, starting a new romantic dream. Lucky Jupiter enters Aries from May 10 to. Oct. 28. Then, re-enters Pisces from Oct. 28 to Dec. 20. Jupiter finishes out the year in Aries from Dec. 20 until May 16, 2023. Rebellious Uranus and the North Node of Destiny connect in Taurus on July 31, urging us to embrace new mindsets and break free of old patterns.
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