Shifting Into Freedom
In recent weeks, a shift has been taking place in the collective experience, as a result of the inner healing work so many have been doing.
This internal and external shift is creating an awakening that is helping us create different paths for ourselves, and for humanity as a whole. Those paths will support a much freer way of living.
We may not have fully realized yet all of the answers needed to create a reality that allows us all to be equally free.
Yet we are being powerfully pulled in that direction, and before we know it, the answers will reveal themselves.
No amount of distraction being pushed at us now—whether through fear, control, or dysfunction—can stop this freedom shift from happening.
This quiet, peaceful, yet powerful shift will leave many of us feeling as if we have woken up from a dreamlike state. It will allow us to feel fully present, conscious, and more grounded than ever.
An important factor in our anchoring a reality where we are all equally free, is for us to put aside our differences, and to recognize the humanity in one another.
2020 highlighted the extreme polarity between us and our shadow selves. And it created a world that looked more divided than ever.
But as with any healing process, these deeply ingrained patterns needed to come to the surface to be addressed, healed, and resolved.
Now is the time for us to heal these extreme polarities within ourselves, so that we can begin healing our relationships with one another, and with the world.
By coming together and putting aside our differences, no matter what political, religious, or other affiliations we have attached ourselves to, we will prevail in transforming the old dense systems and structures that thrive on keeping us in a reality of fear, greed, and separation.
We have the power to free ourselves from that kind of reality. It begins by healing our relationship with ourselves first, then extending our hand to others, no matter how “different” they may seem.
We may see the power of this latest shift already active within us. For example:
Has your tolerance lessened for anything not coming from a kind, compassionate, respectful space?
Has your desire or need to please others, in order to receive their love and approval, taken a backseat lately?
Are you finding it easier to speak up for yourself and say what you really want to say, instead of what you think people want to hear? Meaning, are you finding you are censoring yourself less now?
If you answered “Yes” to at least two of those three questions, then you are aligned with the freedom shift taking place right now.
That can feel uncomfortable at times, especially when so many are still entranced by the distractions being pushed at us now.
You may be feeling as if you’re alone, or that no one understands. Just know that you are not alone, and that there are many who are experiencing the same.
Kindness and compassion are the threads that can help us reconnect with one another.
A Freedom Formula
With the number of big changes going on right now, it can be very helpful to create a road map for ourselves to help us navigate it all.
I’ve found that the following three things can greatly support us in anchoring greater freedom:
The first thing we can do to anchor greater freedom, is to get clear on what our authentic self desires more of.
Once we have that clarity, we can begin to speak to the Universe, ourselves, and the world around us, and ask for what we desire.
As empaths, many of us tend to shy away from asking for what we really want, because we just don’t like “rocking the boat” or placing any burdens on anyone.
This leaves many empaths settling for the bare necessities, so that they have just enough to get by.
This is us giving our power away.
It usually happens because we think people might judge us if we asked for what we truly want, or that having what we want makes us less spiritual in some way.
It is our birthright, and beyond OK to experience ALL of the blessings life has for us!
That includes myriad positive experiences, objects, people, and places, and many other blessings the Universe has to offer.
Being clear on what we desire and then asking for it, gives the Universe the opportunity to rise up and actually give it to us!
From this empowered space, the guessing, passive/aggressive behavior, and mixed signals that often delay our desired manifestations dissolve.
Another way to awaken to greater freedom in our lives is to get clear on what freedom means to us.
Authentic Freedom transcends linear (or “structured”) time, and instantly places us in eternal time, which is no-time.
Every time you feel truly free, it means you are living more in your heart, and less in your mind, operating fully in the present moment.
From this space, our only job each day is to align with the present moment—to be here now. To be completely present in every experience we are having, as often as we can remember to do so.
When we do this intentionally every day, all of the freedom and abundance of the Universe becomes accessible to us.
The third way we can anchor freedom is to take more risks.
Most of the people reading this now are probably highly empathic.
And because of how sensitive empaths are, due to the gift of being able to feel all the energies around us, taking risks isn’t always our first choice (though for some, that may be part of their personality makeup).
Though it can sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable to take risks, risk-taking has the gift of being able to help us expand beyond any old limitations we may have created.
A productive way to start taking risks is to invest in ourselves more—our well-being, our gifts, and our talents and contributions to the world.
We can do that by taking action that supports our health and well-being, spiritual development, and creative ventures.
These three processes—recognizing what our authentic self desires, and what freedom is to us, while taking more healthy risks—can help us expand into greater freedom in our lives.
They can also help us to be more prepared and flexible when it comes to embracing the epic inner and outer shifts happening now.
We are living in the times our ancient ancestors talked about for thousands of years! It’s happening all around us, here and now.
