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Writer's pictureMajal / @UniquelyUrs.R.A

No One Is Coming To Save You

Updated: Jul 12, 2021

So often the idea of healing ourselves seems like the beautiful road we view through rose-colored glasses. Those who have not yet begun the process of self-healing look at those who have done the work and see beautiful rays of light. Well, look how happy and content they are. Life’s struggles don’t seem to bother them as much. They see the good in everything. It’s just a mindset. It must be easy, right?

Oh, if only that were true. So often I come across incredible beings that have so much to offer themselves and the world around them. They have encountered hardships and traumas that no one person should ever have to endure in a lifetime, yet here they are. They feel broken, lost. Maybe they want to give up on this life or have even tried to end it. But those hardships have a purpose. Although seemingly unfair and obviously difficult, those events shape us into who we are.

We look for someone to save us. Maybe it’s a friend or counselor or a doctor. Maybe it’s a reader or a spiritual healer. But, here’s the one can save you. Others can help guide you and support you, but YOU must be the one to save yourself. YOU must be the one to do the work. That friend, counselor, reader, healer, whoever it is you turn to can give you all the advice and tools you need, but it is up to you to decide what will be done with them.

•YOU have to acknowledge and understand your weakness to increase your strengths.

•YOU have to deal with past traumas and draw a line where acknowledgment becomes unnecessary self-pity.

•YOU have to face your ego and come to peace with the ways you have hurt yourself and those you care about.

•YOU have to establish boundaries by prioritizing yourself and your needs while understanding how your actions impact other people.

•YOU have to take a hard look at your lifestyle and eliminate choices or actions that foster negativity or keep you from your goals.

Are YOU ready to step up and save yourself?

When your finally sick and tired, when you have finally ran out of excuses, when you ran out of people to blame,and you are finally ready to face all that you are unconditionally,and your ready to do the work and rise to your true potential give us a call and we will be happy to walk with you and guide you through it all. All you have to do is ask. (We are here to guide you. A hand up and not a hand me down)

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