Remember the biggest blocks to freedom and bigger dreams isn’t just a frozen nervous system of trauma, ego desires/masks, outspoken words and unconscious spells...
They are not just the unresolved memories of what once happened... the fear, rage, the lost fragments, sadness... or even the mistakes.
The biggest blocks to our dreams is usually just our willingness to know we’re already loved.
To respond from, know and behave as if we're already taken care of; already worthy to receive.
To know we are already whole, even in the mistake, and to have a spine and bring IT ALL into the light.
Meaning... mastering the ability to hold a neutral field, and see your reflection from a still pond so you can choose.
It's in your willingness to turn inward, embracing ALL as “soul food” with an open heart of what you choose to create with it all.
To truly embody and know you are already whole and loved even throughout all parts of the journey.
It’s about embracing the different textures and experiences that life shows you and learning how to stop reacting from fear…
And slowly learning to “make more love” by responding from your heart desires, core authenticity and naked truth.
This requires trusting your soul’s voice over the fear more and more.
You are strong enough. You are good enough. You are mature enough to build a life you love and feel utterly fulfilled by.
If you don’t feel this way, just know it isn’t about disappointment, more hard work, heartache, regret or punishment in any form.
It’s a matter of mercy, compassion and forgiveness for life; for creation and for yourself.
This is the “healing” and it’s really about receiving.
Exploring outside the mind.
Because it’s not about saving the world, it’s about opening up your own heart, walking it’s beat, keeping it open and drinking it’s medicine...
And when you face your own truth and you “observe the whole” you may completely flip on what you once thought mattered.
Everything you once thought valuable or important to you or the direction you want to go in, may be changing and that is okay.
So please trust walking this inner knowing and path that’s unfolding it’s mystery inside you.
Trust your truth.
Don’t waste time feeling guilt, shame, regrets about being wrong or making mistakes. Everything is meant to happen to bring you back home.
It’s all perfect.
And, no. You haven’t been wrong.
You needed every single moment of your existence to move into the new awareness that you are finding yourself in now.
Follow it.
You no longer need to outsource your self-esteem, narrative, self-worth, identity, or self-respect to something outside of you.
Only remember gratitude raises your vibration instantly (yes it’s all about harmony within).
Ask yourself what you need to leave behind and what you truly desire to carry forward.
Know you are so deeply loved.
You can always DM me if you have a question or need a clearer path into your journey