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The End of the Coronavirus mission……

Writer's picture: Majal / @UniquelyUrs.R.AMajal / @UniquelyUrs.R.A

The Corona virus is leaving because its job is nearing an end. The Coronavirus has served in a beautiful way for humans. Things are very different and they can’t go back to the old way. True change is always created from crisis and chaos. It did what it had to do and it has served its purpose and it did it well, to help clear out old stuck energies and help break down a societal system that never truly served humanity or the collective. Many will disagree and think what I am saying is crazy, but I am a firm believer that nothing is an accident and everything happens in divine timing. I realize the pandemic wasn’t understood on a human level, but on a soul level, people knew this was predestined to happen and it was a game-changer for all humanity. Humanity were needing a push to get them out of their complacency and time to review and reflect. They had to go inner space rather than continuing to look externally. Many had no option, but were pushed to go home, spend time alone, to reconsider their real priorities in their life, and get to know who they are or reacquainted with who they were. Some discovered so much about themselves and others in their life, they realized they didn’t like their job that they blindly went to every day. It help many look at other alternatives and a time to consider other options or create a game plan to do what they finally wanted to do. It gave people an opportunity to reevaluate their relationship and some discovered that they really didn’t like their spouse or significant other and have been avoiding the inevitable and for others it gave them an opportunity to reacquainted and rekindle the love and passion they had long ago. Some got to know who they were and learned to fall in love with themselves Many were allowed to work from home and that was something that has revolutionized business forever. Now working at a job could mean you could be home, or mobile without having to go into an office every day. It also allowed business to realize their business was still profitable and productive without being opened all day or late nights, allowing many employees to go home early and be with their family or an opportunity for self-care. One of the greatest wakeup call is we did not have to camp out on Thanksgiving and Black Friday all night and day to get the deals and rolling bargains, throughout the month was as profitable as a one or 2 day sale, which allowed people to do what they should have been doing spending time with family and being thankful. People who did get the virus had mild symptoms gave them enough time to slow down to review, reflect, and clear out stuck energies. Others had severe ones and even death, but these people wanted to leave the planet, and this was an opportunity for them to do so. Many are not ready or able to handle the new world and the intense energies that comes with it or the intense energies right now on the planet that is helping humanity and the world purge towards healing. The frequencies are rising and not everyone wants to be here at this time and chose to leave and come back at a later time. So those who passed knew on a soul level it was their time for it is the story they wrote or a choice they were given from a soul level and choose to leave. The virus of change has been securitized and politicized, and people have become polarized because of it, but it really has nothing to do with politics at all and everything is happening as it was planned. Do you realize the virus does not discriminate and it also had a purpose, mission, a job and it was to purge and clear out stuck energies, and as we get enter the new world its job is nearly done. You could say that the coronavirus was a giant purge system and it was brought in to clear out all old energies that no longer serves humanity and has no place in the new world. Like I said there is no such thing as an accident and everything is divine timing. Isn’t it funny that the word host describes the body that the virus utilize to move through, and what is a host job? It is to invite the guests in and welcomes them, but because of fear people were in defense mode and were mainly concerned about surviving. Survival fears kicked in big time making it difficult for the virus to purge the unwanted stuck energies. True change is always created from crisis and chaos. However, many were tired and were ready to relax and get back to their lives and finally surrendered and remained still to remove some of the negative energy. It’s no different for those of us who chose the accelerated path to just be and allow the negative energies and karma’s to flow through us and release towards enlightenment. We had to face some of our biggest fears, insecurities, and so many layers of our darker side so we can finally be free and see the light. The Coronavirus, allowed many to go inner space and with it brought many questions to reflect on …. “If we trust our soul and quit that soul-sucking job, then how will we make ends meet? If we give our body’s health and well-being over to our I Am, what will happen to it?” That fear of losing control has been a big issue for many of us for so long that we lost faith in self and with source. The Coronavirus has brought up fear big time. Fear is an emotion generated by the mind because the mind wants to protect us. But in light of the new consciousness, that no longer works. Not that it ever did we were just blinded to see and in fear to do anything about it. Do you understand fear isn’t real and all it really means is to slow down and be mindful? It has been the basis of life on planet earth, for many life times, and now it’s being brought to light by our consciousness, to be transformed and redefine, just like other lower vibrational emotions such as sadness, grief, guilt, anger, doubts, confusion, stress, and shame. All of these are false emotions. They are the mind’s reactions to life-based on the past, and we are in the process of letting them go along with all the stories attached to them. Our job as human being is to just feel them when they come up, let them wash through us, don’t try to attach them to a past or future event, just allow them to be, and then they transform on their own. If you resonate to what is being said you are one with the new consciousness, and no longer need crisis and chaos to initiate change. For you trust the process and have chosen faith over fear. However, if your body is still integrating, it will feel like crisis and chaos at times, and you won’t realize its just part of the transformation process. If our personal life feels chaotic, it’s just transformation process as well and there is no running away from it and all humanity has to walk through the dark to be one with the light. So trust and have faith everything that is happening and whatever is happening, just allow it. Don’t try to fix it, or analyze it because that just delays your evolution or cement all the false emotions into place even more. Just be in the moment, enjoy life as best as you can, and allow your soul to do what it knows how to do best for you. ~ Aurora S.


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1 Comment

Prakash Chainani
Prakash Chainani
Aug 16, 2021

Beautiful text, logical expression, soulful share. 🙏

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