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Writer's pictureMajal / @UniquelyUrs.R.A

The First Mercury Retrograde of 2022.......

Can you feel the Mercury Retrograde shadow vibration is swooping down upon us? Mercury Retrograde starts on January 14th and I am reminding you be careful what you say,share, emails/texts or what you send out. Make sure your LISTENING and not MISUNDERSTANDING , leave early for important meetings and avoid delays. Mercury Retrograde magic and  opportunities from the past can pop up ,but be careful signing any contracts, we can also reflect on where we’ve come from, especially about how our communication has evolved or any communication patterns that are unhelpful. It gives us space to understand the past. To have compassion for ourselves but not to jump to conclusions and to take it easy on ourselves.  Mercury Retrograde can mess with our mind and confuse us so let this be a reminder to support yourself, be kind to yourself, watch that inner voice during Mercury retrograde and honour where you came from. Life flies, Mercury Retrograde can allow us to feast on the moment rather than race ahead.

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