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Writer's pictureMajal / @UniquelyUrs.R.A

Today's Energy

Ascension energy update 10th July 2021 - Heavy head pressure and wipe out waves

~ Downloads and transformation ~

The energy last few days has been pretty crazy, yesterday l felt huge intense head pressure and wipe out waves, for the first time in a long time.

There is also a lot of fear, anger and anxiety energy flying around again, mostly due to the collective energies and due to all that is happening in the world.Many are acting out in fear,anger, confusion, loneliness, and helplessness. Many are choosing to leave this Earthly realm and many Lightworkers are exhausted and choosing to give up and abandon their mission,which is not really a wise option.

Being sensitive to energies and susceptible to picking up feelings and emotions from others, the collective and your environment it can be challenging at times to deal with what you are experiencing on an energetic level and an emotional one and to know what is actually your energy and what is not. If unsure check in with yourself and feel into the feeling and ask yourself is this mine someone else's or the collectives, breathe it out and then re-center yourself. Sensitive people will confuse it and think all this is their emotions and thoughts and claim it all which take them down a winding road of lower vibrational energy journey.

Also the sun is ramping up its new solar cycle and there has been an almost constant stream of solar flare activity, yesterday the sun produced 2 solar flare explosions that ionized the earths atmosphere and caused radio black outs, even across europe. Those sensitive to solar activity may have experienced the head pressure and felt wiped out mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

If you are feeling over whelmed with the energies what l have mentioned above this might be the cause, also there is a lot of old energy coming up for release with downloads of new energy and upgrades which can frazzle our physical body and mentally, as we process this.

To help drink more water than usual, ground, center self and lots of self care.

It may feel like too much is going on and it can feel uncomfortable at times, but it is helping us on many levels to transform.

Be patient with the energies and yourself and those around you. Remember faith or fear with self is the only two cross roads

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