Last night 8-19 - 8-20 Have you guys been feeling the Shadow work being done on earth and our dimension.
There was alot going and even many animals and young children our sensing this massive dark shadow work. It a thick airy feeling and quite yucky feeling, but know this is light work and many of humanities has to face there darkness and the shadow work has to be done and in order for our dimension to move forward the dark needs to be exposed in us and in the world. It was some deep dark feels last night and tonight as well. Keep yourself grounded every one.
Let your inner guides and ancestors protect you.
Don't let fear take over, acknowledge it and release it. What is to come is more beautiful than anything that we could of ever imagine.
Faith over Fear
Fear is the key. We need to understand good fear from the rest. Good fear instills that sense of discipline and righteousness amongst all of us. Let us try and put fear to good use. 👍