Your life may feel very unsettled at this time as you persevere in your efforts to achieve your dreams. You may find yourself dealing with a volatile individual who could at times appear aggressive and might betray you. Caution is needed. Pay close attention to the actions of others. Do actions match words? Be on your guard. Be mindful and be cautious of people's characters especially the one that are .......
Sneaky, underhand behaviour this is a very real possibility.
Your hopes and desires may lead you to make new plans as you push ahead with your long-term goals. However these new plans may have come as a result of having been deceived or misled recently.
Life experience has a way of shaping our journey - for better or worse, and can indicate that your current choices have been directly influenced by recent events.
You may now realise that YOU are the author of your destiny and putting your happiness in the hands of another was a gamble that you lost.
The key to your future is to trust and love yourself and move away from those who previously held you back, never believed you,doubted you, or made you feel unworthy, or was the thief of the night and played the 7 of swords in your life.