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Writer's pictureMajal / @UniquelyUrs.R.A

You are not CRAZY

To all of those out there that think they're going crazy because lately they've been seeing things that are a little weird or unusual. You may be seeing orbs of light, shadows on the walls, and other shapes, lights and clouds. This is nothing to fear at all. We've entered a time that the ancients told us about. The time of the great revealing has come upon us. The veil is very thin and about to be fully opened if it hasn't already been. You will feel energy coming from the cosmos, other people, and from yourself that you never were able to pick up on. Telepathy or mind reading of others will be a common thing especially to those who are empaths this gift has been heightened. Empaths are feeling the shift of the planet and the collective first. The season we're in is a great time to make positive changes and to release the old patterns and ways of thinking and doing. Spiritual activities will help you transition more smoothly. Meditate, eat properly, exercise, and other activities should be a part of your daily schedule. This is a great time of healing as well. Don't allow negative vibrational thoughts that are rooted in fear to be planted into your mind. Release them and replace them with peace, joy, and love. Know that you all are loved by the divine and that you have the Spirit within you. Know that you have guides, ancestors, and angels around you. Listen and watch for the signs because they are giving you many of them. Repeated words, numbers, and symbols are ways they speak to us. Truth is coming out today like never before and this will take many by surprise because many of these truths will go against what we've been taught. Have faith in yourself and the divine. Love yourself and others as yourself. Listen to your intuition and follow what it reveals to you, and remember change is not a bad thing it's a good thing. Hold firm in love and faith and all will be well. Much peace and love to all!

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